Why The Blog?

Having had no luck with miracle diet plans and advice from so called experts, I tried to expand my knowledge of diet and nutrition and find my own results. As I gained knowledge I became aware that all is not what it seems.

Recently I've read numerous books and searched many websites, some books date back to the 70's (not much has changed since then). One book in particular "Natural Alternatives To Dieting" by Marilyn Glenville was especially useful. The book was published in 1999, I read the book about 8 years ago, at the time I thought wow ! but did I take the advice and change my lifestyle...No !

"What you do with this knowledge is your choice - one things for sure, you can't say you didn't know".

Please take the time to read the articles...you may be surprised, you may be shocked, but please don't take my word for it...check it out for yourselves, libraries and web browsing won't cost you a penny, just your time.

"If I never questioned what I was told, I wouldn't have been any wiser".

I've gained enough knowledge to bring you this blog site. I don't have all the answers, I'm certainly not an expert but I can signpost you to other online resources that may help.

Friday 15 July 2016

Back / Joint Pain - Foods to eat and avoid.

There are certain foods that contain specific vitamins and minerals that can help soothe your aching joints and muscles naturally, such as those rich in magnesium, there are other foods that increase inflammation and can actually increase pain and stiffness. See the quick guide below.

Reduce intake of saturated animal fats, keeping your intake of red meat, dairy products and eggs to a minimum to avoid too much arachidonic acid, which is inflammatory.
Instead eat more oily fish such as herring, mackerel, sardines and salmon, as these have a positive effect on inflammation. You can take a fish oil supplement if you don't eat fish regularly. Choose low-fat or no-fat dairy products, lean cuts of beef and pork, and skinless chicken and turkey.

Eat fewer processed foods, white flour baked goods, white rice, and white bread, which have no nutrients to offer you in exchange for the calories they pile on. Processed foods often use up valuable nutrients such as magnesium in the process of metabolising, but have nothing nutritionally useful to give you in return.
Instead eat more green leafy vegetables, oats, dried fruits such as figs, seeds such as pumpkin, sunflower and sesame seeds, beans such as kidney beans, and sardines, as they are all rich in magnesium, which encourages the proper absorption of calcium. Without sufficient magnesium, calcium may be dumped as painful crystals in and around the joints. Magnesium also helps muscles to relax. People with low magnesium levels tend to feel more pain generally.

Reduce sugar intake - sugar may increase inflammation, which in turn increases pain, especially for those suffering from inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, gout and fibromyalgia. Plus, eating high-calorie sugary foods causes weight gain, which puts added pressure on your joints.
Instead eat more fresh fruit. Satisfy your sweets cravings with natural sugars from fresh fruits, such as pineapple, papaya, mango, guava. These all contain digestive enzymes that help reduce acidity in the body.

Drink less caffeine and alcohol, which use up the vital mineral magnesium and vitamins B and C, and are also triggers for inflammatory processes.
Instead drink more still, plain water. Dehydration is often a trigger for joint pain, so keeping well hydrated is simple and important. Taking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm water first thing in the morning can help reduce acidity and is good for digestion.

Quick Guide as to what to eat and what to avoid:

Eat More

• Oily fish
• Green leafy vegetables such as kale
• Brussels sprouts 
• Vegetable oils
• Wholegrain products
• Oats
• Figs
• Pumpkin, sunflower and sesame seeds
• Kidney beans
• Pineapple, papaya, mango and guava

Eat Less

• Dairy foods
• Meat
• Eggs
• Citrus fruit
• Processed foods
• White flour
• White rice
• Potatoes
• Tomatoes
• Peppers
• Aubergines
• Sugar
• Salt

Sunday 10 July 2016

McChicken - Santos Bonacci

Link: https://youtu.be/aSfAEeuQO14

Friday 22 April 2016

Fluoride is not an essential nutrient.

In the 1950s, dentists believed that fluoride was a nutrient. A nutrient is a vitamin or mineral that is necessary for good health. Dentists believed that fluoride ingestion during childhood was necessary for strong, healthy teeth. It is now known, however, that fluoride is not a nutrient. 

In short, people can have perfect teeth without consuming fluoridated water or any other fluoride product. As with teeth, no other tissue or cellular process requires fluoride. Accordingly, it is now accepted that fluoride is not an essential nutrient.

Visit this site for full information: www.flouridealert.org

Sunday 21 February 2016


Video link: https://youtu.be/kKvoOZ6IqFE

Friday 19 February 2016

Don't Believe Everything You Read

There's images going around stating that the colour coding on toothpaste tubes have a significant meaning/warning to consumers. From my own experience of using herbal all natural fluoride free toothpaste I can confirm that this is not the case.  This image I found online explains it.

Thursday 14 January 2016