Why The Blog?

Having had no luck with miracle diet plans and advice from so called experts, I tried to expand my knowledge of diet and nutrition and find my own results. As I gained knowledge I became aware that all is not what it seems.

Recently I've read numerous books and searched many websites, some books date back to the 70's (not much has changed since then). One book in particular "Natural Alternatives To Dieting" by Marilyn Glenville was especially useful. The book was published in 1999, I read the book about 8 years ago, at the time I thought wow ! but did I take the advice and change my lifestyle...No !

"What you do with this knowledge is your choice - one things for sure, you can't say you didn't know".

Please take the time to read the articles...you may be surprised, you may be shocked, but please don't take my word for it...check it out for yourselves, libraries and web browsing won't cost you a penny, just your time.

"If I never questioned what I was told, I wouldn't have been any wiser".

I've gained enough knowledge to bring you this blog site. I don't have all the answers, I'm certainly not an expert but I can signpost you to other online resources that may help.

Saturday 27 August 2011

Aspartame - What you don't know can hurt you!


There is a group of people who cannot safely consume aspartame. These are the sufferers of the inherited disease phenylketonuria (PKU), who are unable to metabolise the amino acid phenylalanine effectively, leading to the accumulation of potentially harmful levels. PKU is a serious, metabolic disorder, affecting 1 in 10,000 individuals and if untreated, it can cause serious brain damage.

Sufferers are normally diagnosed shortly after birth by a routine blood test and need to follow a very strict diet in order to limit their intake of phenylalanine, which is a normal constituent of proteins in food. Since aspartame is also a source of phenylalanine, all food products containing aspartame are clearly labelled to indicate the presence of phenylalanine so that those people who suffer from PKU can avoid consuming these products. This labelling is a legal requirement.

Because high levels of phenylalanine can harm an unborn baby, women who have PKU and are actively planning a family follow a pre-conception phenylalanine-controlled diet. In the UK, all newborn babies have been screened for PKU since 1969. It is highly improbable that anyone born before 1969 would have PKU and been unaware of their condition, especially if there is no family history of PKU. However, women who are actively planning a family who have concerns about PKU should contact their doctor.

The above was taken from - Food Standards Agency website - http://www.food.gov.uk/safereating/additivesbranch/55174

Further reading on aspartame from Mercola.Com


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